A lot has happened since our last post. Soon we will make a bigcartel so you can give us all of your money. Without too many words, here is what we have been up to.
Most recently, we are working on the Sin Motivo demo. It's all mixed and ready to go, we are just waiting on getting the tapes in the mail. Check it out HERE! This will be False Form 07.
We are also pressing Wiccans' Field II release on to tape. HERE is a link to the review written by the people who originally released this masterpiece. This will be False Form 08.
Before that were four tapes that came out together right before the Breakout/Recide East Coast and Midwest tour. Three of these were demos from brand new bands that had not played more than a couple of shows and one of them was a compilation tape, meant to be a little taste of Austin for all the interested people outside of this city.
False Form 06 was the comp.
This is Austin, Not That Great (a horrible, stretch of a pun) is a 32 minute comp with two tracks from each band(Recide, Kurakka, Brain Attack, Iron Youth, Suburban Void, Breakout, Blotter, and Glue, just incase you couldn't read the image...) with live tracks from the Big Boys and The Dicks as outro tracks for sides A and B.
False Form 05 was the Blotter demo.
Honestly, this is easily one of my favorite demos from 2012. Super pissed punk. Great riffs, great vocals, and better lyrics. Members of Glue, Breakout, Wiccans, and Creamers. Check it out HERE.
False Form 04 was the Breakout - New Blood demo.
Kyle from the Creamers sings on this one. To me, its a more punk version of Creamers. Members of Glue, Blotter, Creamers, and Recide. Check it out HERE.
False Form 03 was the Glue demo.
Fast, angry hardcore. Some say the singer sounds like Pushead, which is pretty cool. Members of Iron Youth, Blotter, Breakout, Bitter End, Concrete, and Recide. Check it out HERE.
All 4 of these tapes sold out quickly while Breakout and Recide were on tour, but the Glue, Blotter, and Breakout demos will be repressed soon.
False Form 02 was the Iron Youth demo.
Here is a review lifted from ICouldDieTomorrow.
"As I waited in the drive thru at my local McDonalds I figured I would pop in one of the few demo tapes I had laying around. So I cracked open the Iron Youth demo and was definitely hit with a whiff of bleach (at least I think it was bleach, it smelled like it, and I DEFINITELY should have washed my hands before eating McDonalds but I didn't) I popped the demo in and was surprised at what I was hearing. Really dark brooding HC that was tuned pretty damn low. The guitars plod along in this great lo-fi fuzzy way and then the singer kicks in with his seething “I hate my life” style vocals and I quickly found myself nodding along. There's nothing metallic here, and nothing horribly catchy; this is just slowed down moshable HC with a very twisted edge. Granted, I had to turn down my stereo as I placed my order (2 cheeseburgers and fries, natch) but I don't think I missed to much variation. The only thing I can really compare this to is Hoax, but even then I am selling Iron Youth short; this isn't a mere imitation, this is some truly nasty stuff. The demo is a GREAT debut, and if these guys can step it up with what they have coming next I think they can be something special." - Branden
Check it out HERE.
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